Terms and Conditions of the VINDT online store

Introductory Provisions

  1. The operator of the VINDT online store on the maisonvindt.com website (hereinafter referred to as the “eshop” or “online store”) is the company Bridge-World s.r.o. with its registered office at Prakovce 15, Company Identification Number 45 256 837, entered in the Commercial Register of the District Court of Košice I, Section Sro, file no. 24556 / V, VAT No .: 2022916335, VAT ID SK2022916335 (hereinafter referred to as the “Seller”).
  2. The operator of the online store warrants and represents that all information provided on this vindt.sk website is true and in accordance with all generally binding regulations valid and effective in the territory of the Slovak Republic.
  3. These terms and conditions apply to ordering and selling goods through the Online Store. The conditions further define and specify the rights and obligations of the Seller and the Buyer and, as amended, are an integral part of the Purchase Agreement.
  4. Communication with the Buyer takes place electronically by e-mail, post or telephone.
  5. The contractual relations between the Seller and the Buyer shall be governed by the law of the Slovak Republic.
  6. The Slovak Trade Inspection, SOI Inspectorate for the Košice Region, Supervision Department, Vrátna 3, 040 01 Košice, is responsible for supervising and controlling compliance with the Seller’s obligations arising from the Consumer Protection Act. phone no.: 055/729 07 05, 055/622 76 55 (more information at www.soi.sk)

Order and Conclusion of the Purchase Contract

  1. The Buyer’s order is a proposal for concluding the Purchase Agreement. The Buyer is automatically informed by the Seller via e-mail about the receipt of the order. This information about the receipt of the order is an acceptance of the proposal of the Purchase Agreement. In the event that the Buyer does not provide his e-mail address or enters it in the wrong format, the Seller is entitled to ask the Buyer to confirm the order in a suitable manner, e.g. by telephone, e-mail or in writing. If in such a case the Buyer does not confirm the order in the required manner within the specified period, the order is considered invalid and the Purchase Agreement as not concluded.
  2. The Purchase Agreement is, with the following exception, concluded by proper execution of a binding order in the form of interactive fulfillment of a binding order containing in particular identification data of the Seller and Buyer, type of goods, ready-made size, material variant of goods, place of delivery, purchase price of goods, shipping costs ( transport, postage, packaging, delivery and other costs and fees), total price of goods, method of payment and agreement with the Terms and Conditions and Complaints Procedure, sending the completed order by clicking on the “Order with payment” button via the online store web portal and information on receipt of the order. The buyer acknowledges that part of the order is his obligation to pay the total price of the goods.
  3. Information on individual technical steps leading to the conclusion of the contract: information on individual technical steps leading to the conclusion of the contract is described for the Buyer in detail via the web portal of the online store directly during the ordering of goods.
  4. Information on the possibilities of detecting and correcting errors made during the order before placing the order: Before completing the order, the Buyer always has the opportunity to go one step back and correct the error made during the order, especially to adjust the quantity of ordered goods or add another product. The entire order shall then be automatically updated.

Delivery Terms

  1. Unless stated otherwise by law, the Seller shall fulfill his / her obligation to deliver the goods to the Buyer at the moment when he /she hands over the goods to the carrier providing the transport of the goods for the Buyer.
  2. The Buyer is obliged to take over the delivered goods, with the exception stated in point 3.4. of this article. If the Buyer does not take over the properly delivered goods, the Seller is entitled to withdraw from the Purchase Agreement. In this case, the Buyer is obliged to pay the Seller the cost of shipment.
  3. The Seller may deliver the goods to the Buyer no later than six weeks from the conclusion of the Purchase Agreement and, if the Purchase Price or deposit is or should be paid in advance, within six weeks from the date of payment of the Purchase Price or advance payment. The exact date of delivery of the goods within this period shall be notified to the Buyer by the Seller or the carrier providing the transport of the goods for the Buyer, by telephone or e-mail.
  4. When taking over the goods from the carrier transporting the goods to the place of delivery, the Buyer is obliged to check the integrity of the packaging, and if the inspection finds that the packaging is broken or the shipment containing the goods is otherwise damaged or deformed, he does not have to take over the shipment and informs the Seller for which he did not take over the goods. In the case of taking over such a consignment, it is necessary to write a report on the damage to the consignment with the carrier. Unless stated otherwise by law, the Seller is entitled to deliver a replacement performance to the Buyer within 30 days from the day when the Buyer rightly refused to take over the shipment containing the goods. If the shipment containing the goods does not show any signs of external damage or deformation, but after taking over the shipment, the Buyer inspects the goods to find that the goods are damaged and this damage may have been caused by transporting the shipment, the Buyer shall notify the Seller not later than within the contract withdrawal period in accordance with the provision of Article 9, point 9.1 of these Terms and Conditions.
Passing of risk of damage to the goods and transfer of ownership of the goods, reservation of ownership
  1. The risk of damage to the goods passes from the Seller to the Buyer at the time of receipt of the goods by the Buyer. If the Buyer is to take over the goods from a third party, the risk of damage passes to him at the moment when he could dispose of the thing, but not earlier than the time specified as the time of performance.
  2. Ownership of the goods passes from the Seller to the Buyer at the time of receipt of the goods by the Buyer or at the time of full payment of the total price of the goods, whichever occurs later.
Purchase Price, Shipping Costs, Total Price of Goods, Payment Terms
  1. The Buyer undertakes to pay the Seller the agreed purchase price and shipping costs, either by payment in advance (by payment card) or by payment upon receipt of the goods (cash on delivery). The buyer chooses the method of payment of the total price of the goods when concluding the purchase contract. Unless otherwise provided by law, the Seller reserves the right to refuse the order without undue delay if the Seller is entitled to demand payment of the total price of the goods or a deposit for the total price of the goods in advance, especially if the Buyer orders a larger quantity of goods or goods of higher value, whereby the Buyer stated as a method of payment payment upon receipt of the goods and did not accept the Seller’s request to pay the Purchase Price by payment in advance.
  2. Shipping costs are due and payable together with the purchase price within the total price of the goods, in the same way as determined for the purchase price.
  3. The buyer shall receive a tax document with a statement of the purchase price and shipping costs along with the goods.
  4. Before sending the order, the Buyer shall be acquainted via the web portal of the Online store with the complete specification of the total price of the goods, including the purchase price, including the price of goods, VAT, price including VAT, as well as shipping costs, including all fees and other related costs. By sending the order via the Online Store, the buyer confirms that he has been informed of the complete specification of the total price of the goods.
  5. If the Buyer pays the total price of the goods or, deposit for the total price of the goods in advance, the Buyer shall make the payment by payment card. The total price of the goods, or the deposit for the total price of the goods is considered paid at the moment when the due amount of money is credited to the bank account of the Seller. If the total price of the goods, the deposit for the total price of the goods is not paid within 14 days from the day when the purchase contract was concluded, the Seller has the right to withdraw from the purchase contract. With the agreed method of payment of the total price of the goods or the deposit for the total price of the goods in advance, the goods will be delivered only after the total price of the goods, or the deposit for the total price of the goods be paid by the Buyer in its full amount.
  6. If the total price of the goods is paid upon receipt of the goods, the Buyer is obliged to pay the total price of the goods in cash or by payment card (if the carrier is equipped with a device for receiving payments by payment card) to the carrier providing transportation of goods. If the Buyer does not pay the total price of the goods upon receipt of the goods, the Seller or the carrier providing the transport of goods for the Buyer may refuse to hand over the goods to the Buyer and the Seller is entitled to withdraw from the purchase contract. In this case, the Buyer is obliged to pay the Seller the cost of shipping in the amount agreed in the Purchase Agreement, within 14 days from the date when the goods were not issued to him due to non-payment of the total price of the goods.
  7. When selling goods, the Seller may offer goods at a lower price than the price at which the Seller normally offers the goods. The seller may offer at a lower than normal price only goods of certain parameters, sizes, colors or performance. In the case of goods for which a discount is provided, the price of the goods before the discount and the price of the goods after the discount are explicitly stated. The seller delivers the goods at a lower price only until the stock of these goods is sold out.
  8. In the event of withdrawal from the contract by the Buyer, the Buyer shall bear the costs of returning the Subject of Sale.
  9. In the event of withdrawal from the contract by the Buyer, the Seller shall return to the Buyer the funds received by the Seller from the Buyer on the basis of the contract.
Liability for defects, warranty - complaint procedure
  1. The delivered goods shall have the qualitative properties agreed in the purchase contract, established by the relevant legal regulations and standards, or the usual properties.
  2. The Seller provides the Buyer with a quality guarantee for the goods for a period of 24 months. The warranty period begins to run from the date of receipt of the goods by the Buyer.
  3. The Buyer’s claims for defects in the goods (including the method of resolving the complaint) are governed by the relevant general binding regulations governing the relationship between the Seller and the Buyer under the purchase contract (if the Buyer is a consumer, especially the Civil Code and the Consumer Protection Act, and by the Commercial Code if the Buyer is not a consumer).
  4. Detailed conditions of liability for defects in the goods, as well as the method of making a complaint, complaint periods, the Buyer’s claims for defects in the goods, are specified in the Seller’s complaint procedure (hereinafter “Complaints Procedure”). In these Complaints Procedure, the claims of the Buyer, who is a consumer, from defects in the goods are also regulated in detail. By concluding the Purchase Agreement, the Buyer expressly confirms that he has read this Complaints Procedure carefully before concluding the Purchase Agreement, that the Buyer was sufficiently notified of the Complaints Procedure before concluding the Purchase Agreement and had the opportunity to become fully acquainted with it.
  5. The Seller is not liable for defects in the goods caused after passing the risk of damage to property if the defects are not caused by his fault, for errors caused by mechanical damage, normal wear and tear or due to improper handling, storage, use, as well as for errors caused by the Buyer or third party.
Alternative resolution of consumer disputes - if the buyer is the Consumer
  1. The Buyer (consumer) has the right to contact the Seller with a request for remedy (by e-mail to info@maisonvindt.com, if he is not satisfied with the way in which the Seller handled his complaint or if he believes that the Seller has violated his rights. If the Seller rejects the request or does not respond to it within 30 days of its sending, the Buyer (consumer) has the right to file a motion to initiate alternative dispute resolution to the ADR entity (hereinafter “ADR entity”) under Act no. 391/2015 Coll. on Alternative Resolution of Consumer Disputes and on Amendments to Certain Acts, as amended (hereinafter referred to as the “ADR Act”); ADR entities are bodies and authorized legal entities pursuant to the provisions of Section 3 of the ADR Act. The Buyer (consumer) may submit the proposal in the manner specified pursuant to the provisions of Section 12 of the ADR Act.
  2. The buyer (consumer) may also submit a proposal through an ADR platform.
  3. Alternative dispute resolution can only be used by the Buyer (consumer), who does not act within the subject of his business activity, employment or profession when concluding and fulfilling the purchase contract. Alternative dispute resolution concerns only a dispute between the Buyer (consumer) and the Seller, arising from the purchase contract or related to the purchase contract. ADR does not apply to disputes where the value of the dispute does not exceed the amount of EUR 20. ADR entity may require the consumer to pay a fee for initiating an ADR, maximum of 5 EUR including VAT.
Withdrawal of the Buyer (consumer) from the purchase contract
  1. The Buyer has the right to withdraw from the Purchase Agreement without giving a reason and without any sanction within 14 days from the date of receipt of the goods; the goods are considered to be taken over for this purpose at the moment when the Buyer or a person designated by him, with the exception of the carrier, takes over the ordered goods, or if: a) goods ordered by the Buyer in one order are delivered separately, at the moment of taking over the last delivered goods, b) goods consisting of several parts or pieces, at the moment of taking over the last part or piece, c) delivers the goods repeatedly during a defined period, at the moment of taking over the first delivered goods. The buyer may also withdraw from the contract before the start of the withdrawal period.
  2. The Buyer may not withdraw from the Purchase Agreement, the subject of which was the delivery of Goods modified according to the special requirements of the Consumer or Goods made to measure or Goods intended specifically for one Consumer.
  3. Withdrawal from the contract shall be notified by the Buyer in writing by letter to the address of the Seller’s registered office Bridge-World s.r.o., Kováčska 11, 04001 Košice or by e-mail to info@maisonvindt.com. The period for withdrawal from the contract is considered to be maintained if the notice of withdrawal from the contract was sent to the Seller no later than the last day of the period
  4. In the event of withdrawal from the purchase contract, the Buyer is obliged to return the goods to the Seller in the condition in which it was received, ie in the original packaging, unused and undamaged, together with all components, accessories and documentation and proof of sale no later than 14 days from the date of withdrawal. The return of the Subject of Sale is provided by the Buyer by sending it by post to the address of the Seller’s registered office Bridge-World s.r.o., Kováčska 11, 04001 Košice. The deadline is considered to be met if the goods are handed over for delivery by the last day of the period. The Buyer may also hand over the goods to the Seller at the address of the Seller’s registered office Bridge-World s.r.o., Kováčska 11, 04001 Košice
  5. If the Buyer withdraws from the contract, he will bear all costs related to the return of goods to the Seller and also the costs of returning the goods, which due to their nature cannot be returned by mail. The Seller is entitled to refuse to accept the shipment to the Seller’s account.
  6. If the Buyer withdraws from the contract under this article, the Seller will return to the Buyer all payments received from him under or in connection with the contract, including shipping costs, in the same way as the Buyer used in his payment, i.e. to the account from which made a payment by credit card or postal money order sent to the Buyer’s address. The seller is not obliged to pay the additional cost to the buyer if the buyer has expressly opted for another method of delivery than the least expensive conventional method of delivery offered by the seller. Additional costs mean the difference between the cost of delivery chosen by the buyer, and the cost of the cheapest current method of delivery offered by the seller. The Seller may return the total price of the goods to the Buyer also in cash in the event that the goods are returned by handing them over at the Seller’s registered office. The Seller shall return the payments to the Buyer without undue delay, no later than within 14 days from the date of delivery of the notice of withdrawal from the contract. The Seller is not obliged to return the payments to the Buyer before the Buyer delivers the goods to him or until the Buyer proves that the goods have been returned to the Seller. The Buyer is liable to the Seller for the reduction in the value of the goods, which arose as a result of handling the goods in a manner other than that necessary to determine the properties and functionality of the goods.

Privacy Policy

  1. The processing of personal data is governed by the document: Information on the protection and processing of personal data for the purpose of operating the VINDT online store
  2. If you have any questions regarding the processing of personal data, feel free to contact us:
    • at the address of the Seller’s registered office: Bridge-World s.r.o., Kováčska 11, 04001 Košice
    • on the telephone number: +421 905 919 195
    • at the e-mail address: info@maisonvindt.com

Final Provisions

  1. If the purchase contract or the law imposes on one party the obligation to notify a certain fact or inform the other party about a certain fact and if the contract or law does not specify a written form for this act, then this notification or this information can also be made by phone, fax or electronically by a data message which does not need to be signed by a guaranteed electronic signature or electronic mark. Such notification or information shall be deemed to have been received when it reaches the addressee’s sphere and the addressee has an objective opportunity to become acquainted with the notification or information. A postal item delivered to the Buyer to the address specified by the Buyer in the binding order, if it was not delivered to the addressee, shall be deemed delivered on the tenth day from the day it was deposited at the post office or on the day its acceptance was refused.
  2. The Seller ensures the archiving of the wording of the Purchase Agreement, including the Terms and Conditions, in electronic form. On the basis of a written request from the Buyer, the Seller shall provide the Buyer with the wording of the Purchase Agreement, including the Terms and Conditions, within the specified period.
  3. These Terms and Conditions also contain information from the Seller pursuant to Act no. 102/2014 Coll. on consumer protection in the sale of goods or provision of services on the basis of a distance contract or a contract concluded outside the seller’s premises and amending certain laws, as amended, addressed to the Buyer (consumer) and which form an integral part of the contract concluded through the Online Store.
  4. These Terms and Conditions are an integral part of the Seller’s offer to conclude the Purchase Agreement. By sending the order via the online store, the buyer confirms that he has read the Terms and Conditions, that he agrees with them and expressly accepts them.
  5. These Terms and Conditions shall enter into force on 1.1.2021 and shall apply to a purchase contract concluded after that date.
  6. The Seller reserves the right to change these Terms and Conditions without prior notice.

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